

Martyrs Days Celebrations of 3 june 2009

Kabale Diocese was erected on 17th April 1966 being separated from Mbarara Diocese which up to 1956 formed part of the Apostolic Vicariate of Rwenzori. On its inception as diocese, the Most Rev.Bishop Gervasius Placidus Nkalanga (R.I.P) of Bukoba Diocese, a native of Tanzania was appointed Apostolic Administrator of this newly erected diocese.

Three years later, on August 1, 1969, Bishop Emeritus Barnabas R. Halem’Imana (R.I.P) was appointed and consecrated as the first native Residential Bishop. He retired on July 15, 1994 and was succeeded by Bishop Emeritus Robert Mary Gay (M. Afr) (R.I.P) who was first appointed as Apostolic Administrator but was on March 9, 1996 ordained Bishop.

He retired in 2003 and was succeeded by the current Bishop, Rt.Rev. Callist Rubaramira. He was ordained Bishop at Rushoroza on June 8, 2003. Kabale is a suffragan Diocese within the Archdiocese of Mbarara since 1999.




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